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Missions at NFC 


At NFC we have always felt a very strong call to send the Kingdom of God out to the farthest parts of the world. Because of this call, we have several ministries that we have partnered with which  are changing the world in the cultures God has placed them.


Go To Nations


Go To Nations is a missions sending agency that is passionate about sharing the Gospel with every living person on the planet - every tribe, every tongue, every nation. We are people with a burning desire to take the truth of Jesus Christ's redeeming love to the lost, the hurting, and the broken, and to see that love transform their lives

Nate & Abegail Shuck



In 2003 Nate started Rise Music and Arts, a program designed to build confidence and skills through teaching music, dance, drama and worship to street children and youth.  This program is raising up the next generation of worshipers from the rough streets of Iloilo City.  In 2004,  Nate joined Go To Nations as a full time missionary.  He has traveled throughout Asia with Go To Nations teaching in India, Thailand and other closed access nations, helping to train local pastors for the harvest.
Currently they are working alongside a local church who is ministering to the children and families at the local trash dump and a relocation site nearby. The Shuck's started an extension of Sonshine Kidz club (children's Church)  last January 2011 alongside the church. They aim to help bring God into the lives of the children and families and also through F.A.I.T.H. (Food Available in the House) Gardens and community development.
They are excited to be a part of the Asia Pacific team that is advancing the Kingdom of God in Asia.


115 Depot St.

P.O. Box 119 ​

Webb, AL 36376


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